What do you need to install?
1. Python
2. Tweepy : Tweepy is a python library for accessing Twitter API.
3. Developer account in Twitter
1. Create a test file name test.py
in your working directory.
2. Write the following here:
import tweepy# Consumer keys and access tokens from twitter developer console
CONSUMER_SECRET = ‘############’
CONSUMER_KEY = ‘############’
ACCESS_SECRET = ‘#############’
ACCESS_KEY = ‘##############’# OAuth authentication connection from
auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET)
auth.set_access_token(ACCESS_KEY, ACCESS_SECRET)# Creation of the actual interface, using authentication
tweet = tweepy.API(auth)# Write tweet here
tweet.update_status(“Hi from API” )
3.Run the following file by running python test.py
command in your working directory and bam, you are done in 8 lines of code.